Christcare™ Ministry

These groups gather in homes, at church, or wherever God’s people like to gather. Groups meet twice a month for prayer, care, Bible discussion, and missional service. These groups all look different and they all function differently too. Some groups study a book of the Bible, others discuss a book, while many groups use videos. Some groups do service for the church, some serve in the community, and others serve individually. To join a group, to become a leader of your own group, or if you have questions click here.

Adult Classes

Adult classes take place on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and include a variety of books and topics. On Monday nights we offer Crossways a two year study of the entire Bible. Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m. we offer a women’s Bible class on various topics. Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. we offer a Bible class at Laurel Lake Retirement Community. New member classes are offered annually and taught by Pastor Tritten.

Fellowship Events

Fellowship activities bring people together in celebration and support in order unify our families and strengthen our community, both spiritually and socially.

Social Ministries

Members serve in many capacities: in worship, building believers through the life-span educational programs and serving through the social ministries organizations.