Worship Times

  • 8:15 a.m. Traditional Worship
  • 10:45 a.m. Praise (1st & 3rd Sundays)
  • 10:45 a.m. Traditional (2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays)
  • 5:30 p.m. Rejoicing Spirits (1st Saturday)

Communion every Sunday, both services.

Watch our most recent Sunday Service

Live streamed every Sunday on our
YouTube Channel

Prayer Service

Every Tuesday morning we gather at 8:00 a.m. in the library for devotion and prayer.

Music Ministry

Gloria Dei invites people of all ages and stages of life to share their musical talent in weekly Worship through our Sanctuary Choir, Praise Team, Bell Choir and special ensembles and solo opportunities.

Praise Team

An inter-generational contemporary group for of singers and instrumentalists that leads the Contemporary Worship Service on the first and third Sundays at 10:45.

adult choir

Sanctuary Choir

The traditional church choir which rehearses every week and sings during the 10:45 Worship Service the second and fourth Sundays of the month.

Soloists & Special Music

We welcome people to share their musical talents throughout the year. Please contact Sue Anderson to arrange practice times and to determine which Sunday service you can share your piece at.

Bell Choir

An inter-generational opportunity to play the bells at various times throughout the year, the Bell Choir rehearses every week, under the direction of Kristin Kane.